22 Haziran 2020 Pazartesi

Our links to outcomes and evaluations

We did many activities together. All teachers shared tasks to finish this project in collaboration. All works, including this blog was created for the project in the name of all partners and partner schools. All posts were taken from twinspace by the responsible teacher to share. All works are the products of our project carried out together. Here are our works.

PS: We don't have any of the songs and artworks used in the project and we don't own any right on them. All the songs and artworks that were chosen are the best samples of the world, so we used them for the inspiration  and we used them adding their owners' names.

1- Online Exhibition:
All the worked upload on the system were prepared and used in this presentation. It is designed as an art gallery.


2- Online Concert and collaborative song:
Our students sang the same song to complete a song together. It was chosen by all partners. The song was one of the best songs of all times. "We will rock you" by Queen.

And our students sang their favourite songs for the concert. They decided on their own to create a virtual concert. We chose two presenters from different schools. One present the Songs and the other student says a quote from a faamous artist or musician. During this project all musicians and artists inspired our students and us, so we decided to use their quotes to inspire more people. For the students' safety, we didn't show their faces.

3- E-book:
We created an e-book to show our works. Each teacher uploaded her/his school's works on their pages.


4- Photo collage:
We created an online tool to share our favourite photo and created a poster.

5- Project twinspace homepage:
For more details:

3 yorum:

  1. Gerçekten hep birlikte proje ortakları olarak çok güzel çalışmalar gerçekleştirdik.Emeği geçen öğrencilerimize ayrıca teşekkür ederim.

  2. yaptığımız bu güzel ortak işler işbiriğimizin en güzel göstergeleri oldu,ortak konser ve şarkı benım ve öğrencilerimin favorisi:)

  3. It was a great project. The outcomes showed that how we worked hard and had fun at the same time.
    Gül Doğan
